About the Cultural Competency Academy (CCA)

The Cultural Competency Academy (CCA) provides a learning experience for staff of County of San Diego Behavioral Health contracted Programs, including Administrative Staff, Direct Service Staff, and Management. CCA includes a Foundational Series designed to provide awareness, knowledge and skill-based learning that focuses on concepts related to cultural humility, self-assessment, bias, workplace culture, and the intersectionalities of behavioral health. The participants also complete a Position Specific Training and a Cultural Training to further develop their knowledge on cultural responsive practice within their roles. The learning extends beyond the classroom and the participants have an opportunity to contribute to a project that will improve cultural responsiveness within their organization.

CCA offers an Executive Series for Executives of Behavioral Health Programs contracted by San Diego County. The Executives identify tools to create an antiracist organization, and are equipped with resources to assess their organizational practices and develop solutions to shift towards becoming an antiracist organization.

CCA Cultural Trainings are open to ALL staff of County of San Diego Behavioral Health contracted Programs. Each Cultural Training has a 1-hour eLearning prerequisite to the course

Participants enrolled in a CCA Foundational Series are required to take a position specific training and a cultural training as part of the completion requirement for the series graduation.


Some of the most recent Cultural Training topics include:

  • African American Community
  • Asian Pacific Islander Desi American Community
  • Anti-racism
  • Trans and Nonbinary Identities
  • Latino Community
  • LGBTQ+ Community

When upcoming Trainings are available, we will send out advertisements and link flyers here.