Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

Mental Health & Behavioral Health

DSM V for Social Workers

The course will address the changes from the DSM IV-TR to the DSM V and will utilize modalities such as video examples, social media examples, and news headlines. This course will offer practical interventions for a CPS social worker when dealing with clients with mental health issues and identified symptoms of mental health.

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Warrior 101: Address the Unique Needs of CWS Families with a Military Parent Returning from Deployment

This day long training will focus on the unique issues and challenges faced by military families who have experienced a deployment(s) and involvement in the CWS system. Participants will learn about military culture as it applies to family life and mental health issues.

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Trauma Informed Practice in Child Welfare

This course will address concepts of Trauma Informed Practice and their importance in regards to well being for children and families in the Child Welfare System.

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Trauma Informed Child Welfare Practice

This course will give child welfare professionals the tools to use an understanding of the impact of trauma to make child welfare practice more effective for children and families and more satisfying for child welfare professionals.

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Therapeutic Behavior Intervention Strategies

In this course trainees will examine the ingredients in a “therapeutic” environment and to learn to assess whether a particular setting is providing opportunities for healing, and outline various “categories” of behavioral disturbances, including: neurotic disturbances, neurological problems and disorders, psychotic disorders, and anti-social personality disorders and abuse-reactive patterns of behavior.

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The Impact of Emotional Abuse and Emotional Trauma

In this course, trainees will explicate the specific acts that constitute emotional maltreatment, outline the differences between emotional neglect and emotional abuse, review the categories of parents who may commit emotional maltreatment, and explore the interaction of emotional maltreatment with other forms of abuse and neglect.

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Review of Early Childhood Development for Child Welfare Staff

This class will look at Attachment Theory and early brain development for typically developing infants as well as those with a trauma history, as well as developmental milestones, Erikson’s stages of emotional/social development, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, as well as the role of culture in development. The class will also help staff assist parents/caregivers in caring effectively for children under the age of five, with chronic trauma histories.

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PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) in Children and Adolescents

In this course, trainees will learn about the essential features of post-traumatic stress disorder, the various “types” of trauma, and how they differ from each other, and the general categories of symptoms of PTSD, as well as describe specific symptoms under each category and develop an understanding of how symptoms make sense to victims.

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Mental Illness and Suicide Risk Implications for Child Safety and Well Being

In this course, trainees will review the four mental illness diagnoses most often associated with suicide risk, the implications of parental mental illness on the safety and well-being of children, and describe and discuss all elements of a suicide assessment.

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Mental Health and Mental Disorders

In this course, trainees will learn about commonly occurring mental disorders can affect a person’s ability to parent, and the range of social functioning and intervention responses among children, adolescents, and adults who experience symptoms of mental and emotional disorders.

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Learning from Anger

In this course, trainees will increase their skills in dealing with angry and non-voluntary clients.

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Foster Youth Suicide Prevention

This training, Foster Youth Suicide Prevention, identifies the causes of foster youth depression. It focuses on the loss and grief of young people in the foster care system and shows how this leads to depression and anxiety. Then the training focuses on the specifics of suicidality, and how to talk to a young person you think may be suicidal to help them get care.

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Effects of Early Trauma and Neglect on Brain and Body

In this course, trainees will learn basic concepts regarding the organization, functioning and development of the human brain and the interaction of mind and body, as well as learn about the importance of the first five years as a critical period for social, emotional, cognitive and physical development.

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DSM IV for Social Workers

This course is designed for social workers who want a better understanding of DSM IV diagnoses as they relate to mental health issues with clients.

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Depression in Children and Adolescents

In this course, trainees will learn about depression as manifested in children and adolescents.

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In this course, trainees will learn about  several different varieties of countertransference, understand how countertransference can inform and help work with clients.

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Advanced Attachment and Discipline with Children Who Have Experienced Chronic Trauma

In this course, trainees will learn about foundational brain development in nurtured children and for children who have been abused, neglected, or experienced chronic trauma.

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Advanced Attachment, the Brain and Behavior of Children with Trauma Histories

This course will look in depth at the attachment cycle, and the resulting foundational brain development for nurtured children, and for those children who have experienced chronic trauma. The class will also briefly explore compromised development of children with trauma histories, and will facilitate understanding of effective behavior management skills for this population.

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AD(H)D and other Neurological Disorders

In this course, trainees will learn about the latest findings regarding the impact of drugs and alcohol on the developing brain and distinguish between FAS, FAE, and FADE as well as learn the characteristics of each and the variety of interventions that are helpful to children.

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Trauma Resource Institute: Community Resiliency Model

In this course, trainees will review the concepts of the Community Resiliency Model and how to use the skills from this model for self-care.

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Grief and Loss in Child Welfare

In this course, trainees will  learn about the impact of separation from family on children’s development and emotional well being, and the psychological tasks and attempts at mastery for children dealing with grief and loss.

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Working with Sexual Offenders

In this course, trainees will learn about the different types of sexual offenders and their common characteristics,  interview techniques that can help and/or hinder eliciting desired information from offenders, and assessment and treatment techniques utilized with sexual offenders.

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Understanding Behavior of Traumatized Children: Using Positive Discipline-Building Relationships

In this course, trainees will review historical and current thinking with regard to child behavior management, attachment theory and brain development, leading to a clearer understanding of behavior for children raised in nurturing families, and for those who have experienced chronic trauma (abuse and neglect).

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Substance Abuse and Child Welfare Case Planning

In this course, trainees will identify the service needs of Parents, Children and Families affected by Addiction and identify and access resources for Parents, Children and Families.

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Child Welfare Trauma Tookit

This 2-day training is designed to teach basic knowledge, skills, and values about working with children in the child welfare system who have experienced traumatic events, and how to use this knowledge to support children’s safety, permanency, and well-being through trauma-informed practice. The training also covers the effects of trauma on birth and resource parents as well as professionals working within the Child Welfare System. Training modalities used will be case scenario discussions, video and audio clips, and lecture.

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Advanced Assessment and Intervention with Anxiety Disorders

In this course, trainees will learn about the prevalence and etiology of anxiety disorders in children.

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Understanding Behavior in Adolescents with Trauma Histories

In this course trainees will review attachment theory and brain development, leading to a clearer understanding of behavior, for those raised in nurturing families, and for those who have experienced chronic trauma (abuse and neglect). Focus will be on adolescent behavior, and identify physical and social-emotional development milestones for ‘typically developing’ adolescents.

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Emotionally and Behaviorally Troubled Adolescents

This course will address the wide range of challenging issues related to adolescents in child welfare placements and what both the foster parent and social worker can do to partner with each other and the adolescent to address them. The training will utilize small and large group activities and discussion, video presentations and didactic lecture modalities.

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Working with Traumatized Children

In this course, trainees will learn about trauma and the impact it has on the physical, emotional, cognitive and spiritual development of children, post-traumatic stages experienced by traumatized children, and the effects of trauma on memory.

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Working with Difficult People

In this course, the trainee will be able to identify and develop skills to effectively work with chronically difficult people, whether they are client, colleague, or supervisor.

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Identity Development and Foster Care

In this course, trainees will identify key theoretical principles in identity formation during a child’s development and key areas of identity formation for adolescents and how foster care impacts identity formation.

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Substance Abuse and Child Welfare Assessment

In this course, trainees will learn to identify the signs, symptoms and individual and family dynamics of the Illness of Addiction and identify indicators of the impact of Addiction on children.

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