Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

Anti-Racism Summit


The Anti-Racism Summit series began in  August 2020, as there was an increased need to have open conversations about racism in personal and professional arenas.  This is our third year hosting the series, and we plan to continue in the next Fiscal Year with new topics. The Summits provide a space for the DEI Leads from all the Southern counties to come together, learn, and share ideas on how they are implementing anti-racist practices in their county. They are designed as a learning and action planning space; with the participants developing communication loops on how they will be sharing what they have learned with others in their county.


It was important in the first Summit to begin with some level setting and defining core terms so that the participants had a shared language. Both the presenters and participants have held each other accountable to this and this supports the participants in being clear and focused on intended outcomes of their action plans. The format of the day is knowledge sharing in the morning from a Guest Speaker, and the participants work on their county action plans in the afternoon, based on what they learned. Topics we have discussed are: Organizational Components that Advance Racial Equity, GARE Model, Pillars of Racism, History of Racism in Child Welfare, White Supremacy Culture, Ally vs Co-Conspirator, Systemic Racism (Policies & Procedures,) and also the participants have had an opportunity to present their county action plans. Participants have shared that they found this part of the day to be very insightful as they have time to reflect and plan on what they would like to do next, and also hear from their peers from other counties.



Wanjiru Golly, PhD, Cultural Responsiveness Academy (CRA) Program Manager

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