We create experiences that transform the heart, mind and practice.

APS Supervisor Core

About Supervisor Core

APS Supervisor Core Competency training modules are based on research, national needs assessment data, stakeholder feedback, and evolving APS practice. Curriculum is developed with subject-matter experts in concert with the Supervisor Curriculum Advisory Committee (SCAC). Training is offered in a variety of curriculum lengths and modalities to accommodate supervisor’s competing demands. The training is intended for supervisors both new and experienced. Please note: Training modules will be released on a rolling basis as they are piloted, finalized, and reviewed by NAPSA Education Review Committee. Please see below for anticipated release dates.

Competency 1 - Understanding Self as Supervisor

Module 1A – Understanding Trauma Informed Care for APS Supervisors Instructor-Led Training or eLearning 

Module 1B – The Unique Role of the APS Supervisor Instructor-Led Training or eLearning

Module 1C – Strengths-Based Development/Supervision or eLearning

Competency 2 - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion/Transformation

Module 2A – Understanding Implicit Bias & Structural Racism

Module 2B – Building Cultural Humility & Responsiveness

Module 2C – How to Talk About Elder Abuse (60 min eLearning + 90-min instructor-led booster)

Competency 3 - Supporting Team Building and Individual Development

*Please follow the link to visit the NAPSA website and access the modules with the asterisk:

Module 3A – Building & Managing Effective APS Teams*

Module 3B – Supervisor as Trainer*

Module 3C – Onboarding New Staff (60 minute eLearning or Instructor-Led Training*)

Module 3D – Supervisor as Coach*


Competency 4 - Case Consultation and Critical Thinking

*Please follow the link to visit the NAPSA website and access the modules with the asterisk:

Module 4A – Effective Case Consultation

Module 4B – Supervising Virtual investigations* OR Supervising Non Face-to-Face Investigations eLearning

Module 4C – Supervising APS Investigations Involving Transnational Financial Fraud*

Module 4D- Supervising Complex Cases

Competency 5 - Supervising for Accountability and Retention

*Please follow the link to visit the NAPSA website and access the modules with the asterisk:

Module 5A – Data Informed Supervision, TBD

Module 5B – Supervising a Remote Workforce*

Module 5C –Managing Staff Challenges and Performance Issues

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