Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

Teaming Strategies


This course is designed to improve participants’ time management by utilizing child welfare tools and teaming strategies.


Facilitation Skills 101 – Teaming Strategies

This course is intended to provide a review of the structure of the family team meeting and roles and objectives of the facilitator. The learners will have opportunity to view a Family Team Meeting through Video and then will have time to develop facilitation skills through practice.

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Understanding Child and Family Team Meetings

This training provides the context for Child & Family Team meetings in San Bernardino County. CFT meetings are a process to integrate best-practice concepts from Safety Organized Practice and integrating the assessment and response to behavioral health needs as a result of the Katie A lawsuit.

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Teaming Strategies

This course is for supervisors who are interested in learning more about two popular teaming strategies and the positive impact on case work practice.

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Team Facilitation: Successful Child and Family Teams

This course will offer a foundation in team facilitation, along with strategies to help the team process flow more smoothly and successfully.

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Team Decision Making (TDM) Readiness

This course is an overview and orientation to one of the core strategies of Family to
Family – Team Decision Making (TDM).

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Family Conferencing Skill Building

This course will give participants an in-depth look at the Family Group Decision-Making model, and teach participants the process of a Family Group Decision-Making meeting.

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Family Conferencing Overview

In this course, trainees will become familiarized with the Family Group Decision-Making model, share San Diego’s experience implementing this model, and identify the benefits and challenges of incorporating this model within a child welfare services setting.

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Facilitation Skills for Child and Family Team Meetings – Demonstration and Skill Practice

This is an experiential training for facilitators of Child and Family Team Meetings in child welfare agencies. The purpose of Family Team Meetings of any type is to build agreements between the Department, families, providers and other essential team members.

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Facilitation Skills for Child and Family Team Meetings – 12 Hours

This is an experiential training for facilitators of Child and Family Team Meetings in child welfare agencies. The purpose of Family Team Meetings of any type is to build agreements between the Department, families, providers and other essential team members. It is largely the responsibility of meeting facilitators to bring a very disparate group of people into CFTMs and build critical agreements and decisions.

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Facilitation Skills for Child Family Team Meetings – Riverside

This is an experiential training for facilitators of Child Family Team Meetings in child welfare agencies. The purpose of Family Team Meetings of any type is to build agreements between the Department, families, providers and other essential team members.

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Facilitation and Coaching Skills for Coaches: Helping Staff to Facilitate CFT Meeting

After completing a course on understanding the purpose, structure, and process of a Child and Family Team meeting, CFS staff need to practice their skills to facilitate these types of meetings.

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Engaging Families in Family Group Conferencing

In this course, trainees will identify the value of FGC for successful case planning, understand the benefits of family participation in case planning, learn the necessary steps in preparation for of a successful FGC, and identify the role and responsibility of the facilitator for FGC.

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Child and Family Teams and Facilitating a CFT Meeting – San Bernardino

In this two day facilitation training, you will learn the strategies and skills for helping groups solve problems, resolve conflict, and build agreement. This workshop will provide you with a solid foundation of theory and facilitation practice skills for immediate use.

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Promoting and Supporting Resiliency: Dealing with Vicarious Traumatization

This course will provide the participant with information about secondary trauma, vicarious traumatization, burnout and stress so that s/he can identify the symptoms within staff, recognize how symptoms affect work outcomes and provide an array of interventions to minimize or deal with the secondary trauma. Through lecturette, self-assessments, skills practice & coaching, and small group discussions, participants will prepare for appropriate interventions in the workplace which would include using other organizational resources such as EAP, resulting in an action plan.

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Coaching Institute

Coaching is recognized as a key learning strategy for professional development as well as overall program implementation. This institute will provide participants with information to assemble the coaching puzzle – in other words, how to integrate the best skills, theories and abilities of coaching into a solid evidencebased coaching strategy

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Coaching Skills for Parent and Youth Mentors

This course will address code of ethics and expectations related to professionalism and boundaries for parent and youth mentors.

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