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Southern Area Consortium of Human Services (SACHS) & Leaders in Action (LIA) Spring 2024 Update


The Southern Area Consortium of Human Services (SACHS) and the 2024 Leaders In Action (LIA) executive development program are off to an exciting program year! 


SACHS directors kicked off their program activities by strategizing and examining their collective impact to tackle challenges facing human services organizations. In continued collaboration with the County Welfare Directors Association (CWDA) and California Department of Social Services (CDSS), SACHS directors are focused on supporting legislative processes and strategies to improve human services policies locally across the state. Amid rapidly changing priorities, strengthening key partnerships is among the consortium’s critical objectives. Other key issues that are top of mind for SACHS directors include efficiently managing resources, addressing the complex care of foster youth, and improving employee recruitment/retention. 


SACHS’s commitment to workforce succession planning also includes shaping the next generation of human services leaders. Presently, 29 mid-level managers and/or directors from human services departments across the Southern California region are participating in the 2024 Leaders In Action (LIA) executive development program. 


To date, LIA’s 18th cohort has completed three of five training blocks and monthly executive coaching sessions. With networking being a foundational component of SACHS, it is also a critical aspect of the LIA program. In February, LIA participants enjoyed a luncheon with SACHS directors where they discussed key issues in their respective counties. The cohort also participates in cross-county networking dinners to expand their knowledge and support beyond the scope of their county. 


Both SACHS and LIA are excelling in their respective activities and are on course for a very exciting and productive program year!

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