Tribal STAR Resources for ICWA Advocates
Having specially trained staff on ICWA is good practice for both state and tribal child welfare agencies because it supports proper ICWA implementation and can potentially reduce appeals and costs. State and county staff that specialize in tribal child welfare also need to be trained on culturally responsive engagement and historical context about why ICWA was passed. Tribal ICWA Advocates need to understand how their local child welfare services respond when they have good reason to know they have an Indian child in their care. When tribes, Native American communities, state, and county child welfare agencies work together we can achieve the best outcomes for safety, permanency, and well-being.
Below are several featured resources as well as general resources for staff specifically trained on ICWA. See also resources specific to State and County Child Welfare ICWA Specialists and Tribal ICWA Advocates.
- Featured Resources
- General Resources
- State and County Child Welfare ICWA Advocate Resources
- Tribal ICWA Advocates Resources
Featured Resources
Indian Specialty Unit Video
The video below captures the history the San Diego County Child Welfare Indian Specialty Unit which officially began in 1992. Click play to watch the 22-minute video about the San Diego County Indian Specialty Unit (ISU).
ICWA Celebration PowerPoint
Click below to view the PowerPoint presentation from the 2017 Tribal STAR Celebration.
Center for Tribes: Building an Effective Tribal-State Child Welfare Partnership
General Resources
California ICWA Compliance Task Force Report to the California Attorney General’s Bureau of Justice 2017
California Disproportionality Project Breakthrough Series Collaborative Final Report (2011)
California Tribal Behavioral Risk Factor Community Survey Summary Report (2016)
Developing a Growth Mindset
Embracing Failure
ICWA Bias, Media, and Historical Context (60-90 minute eLearning)
ICWA Guide for Tribal Leaders and Governments
The Indian Child Welfare Act
Tribal Behavioral Health Agenda
Tribal Child Welfare Information Exchange
State and County Child Welfare ICWA Advocates Resources
More Resources
ICWA Designated Agents Listing
Federal Register – UPDATED April 30, 2020 (PDF)
The 2016 BIA ICWA Regulations
AIE Engagement and Communication
American Indian Enhancement (AIE) Implementation Toolkit
Following the Spirit of ICWA
Office of Tribal Affairs ICWA Desk Reference
Tribal ICWA Advocates Resources
ICWA Guide for Tribal Governments and Leaders
More Resources
Developing Child Protection Codes
NICWA Development and Implementation of Tribal Foster Care Standards
Tribe’s Rights Taken from A Practical Guide to the Indian Child Welfare Act by the Native American Rights Fund