Precarious Housing and Homelessness in Older Adults: Resources and Collaboration
Course Description
This is the third and final workshop in the series: “Effectively Working APS Cases for Persons Experiencing Homelessness”. The series is designed to provide APS professionals with knowledge, practical tools, opportunities to build empathy and gain a better understanding of what many individuals who are homeless experience in order to work more effectively with this population.
Participants will gain insight to how the Nation has shaped the response to homelessness on a federal and state (CA) level, what resources currently exist and how they can use those resources to help the people they work with. Participants will also be given resources to continue their learning process as programs and funding evolve.
Course Materials
Executive Summary
Trainer Manual
Participant Manual
© 2022. San Diego State University School of Social Work, Academy for Professional Excellence. Please acknowledge this copyright in all non-commercial uses and attribute credit to the developer and those organizations that sponsored the development of these materials. No commercial reproduction allowed.