California APS Standards for Consistency in Determining Findings
Course Description
In this 90-minute eLearning course, participants will use the CA APS Standards for Consistency in Determining Findings Protocol, which consists of the Guiding Principles and the Matrix, and apply the protocol to case studies. The Guiding Principles and the Matrix make the decision-making process in determining findings easier, enhance effectiveness, and reduce the stress often associated with determining findings. This training will provide clarity on what information to gather during an investigation, what is and what is not important in evaluating the information, and guidance in interpreting the information (1.5 CEs).
Course Materials
Intro Document
Guiding Principles
To register visit Course Registration
For information on CE credit visit Continuing Education.
© 2019. San Diego State University School of Social Work, Academy for Professional Excellence. Please acknowledge this copyright in all non-commercial uses and attribute credit to the developer and those organizations that sponsored the development of these materials. No commercial reproduction allowed.