We create experiences that transform the heart, mind and practice.

Advanced Training

APSWI collaborates with stakeholders and experts in the Aging and Adult Services field to develop and deliver advanced training for APS professionals, supervisors, and their multi-disciplinary partners. Advanced courses are developed in both the instructor-led (ILT) and eLearning modalities. These trainings are intended for advanced level Adult Protective Services professionals and their MDT partners (e.g. public guardians, public health nurses working with the elderly, mental health professionals, etc).

NOTE: Out-of-state participants will pay a $50 per eLearning access fee for Advanced eLearnings and Supervisor Core eLearnings.

APS Laws and Regulations

AB135 and Changes to APS Practice in the State of California eLearning

SOC 242 and You: What You Need to Know eLearning 

The Role of APS in the Conservatorship Process eLearning


California APS Standards for Consistency in Determining Findings

California APS Standards for Consistency in Findings eLearning
California APS Standards for Consistency in Findings Blended Training w/eLearning
California APS Standards for Consistency in Findings Multi-Module VIRTUAL Skill-Building Training w/ eLearning

Determining Dependent Adult Status

Framework for Determining Dependent Adult Status eLearning

Effectively Working APS Cases for Persons Experiencing Homelessness Series

Workshop 1: Homelessness in Older Adults- Examining the Layers 

Workshop 2: Responding to APS Cases Involving Adults Experiencing Homelessness 

Workshop 3: Precarious Housing and Homelessness in Older Adults: Resources and Collaboration

Financial Abuse

APS Investigations Involving Allegations of Undue Influence Instructor-Led Training

Estate Planning & Financial Abuse Issues in APS Instructor-Led Training 

Undue Influence: What APS Needs to Know eLearning


Interviewing Skills

Asking Inclusive Demographic Questions

Enhanced Cognitive Interviewing for APS Professionals 

Enhancing Your Investigative Skills: Interviewing Alleged Perpetrators:
 Instructor-Led Training 
 Multi-Module VIRTUAL Training

Including Sexual Orientation and Gender Identification Questions in APS Practice eLearning

Substance Use, Recovery and APS Considerations

Working with and Through Psychosis: Considerations for APS


Working with the Criminal Justice

Investigating APS Criminal Cases Instructor-Led Training 

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