CWDS Curriculum
Working with Multi-Problem Families
Level: Advanced Practice – Lineworker
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: New and current child welfare personnel who want to enhance their knowledge of and skills working with families with multiple problems
Intended Objectives:
- Learn to “bundle” related problems to reduce worker and family stress
- Discuss the varied elements of family systems theory and their influences on case planning and outcomes
- Identify the relationship between substance abuse and child abuse and neglect
- Outline successful intervention with substance abusing families
- Explore and approach to reduce explosive issues between workers and clients
- Identify strengths and limitations obtained through family centered assessment
- Review guidelines for change and empowering practices
- Identify the worker’s role in facilitating change
Topics Include:
- Varied dynamics of substance abusing families
- Interventions with Violent Families
- Family-Centered Assessment: Assessing Strengths and Limitations
- Motivation Principles
- Identifying Individual Incentives for change
- Interventions to Identify/Promote Strengths
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
2.1 Student is able to identify the multiple factors of social and family dynamics in relation to child abuse and neglect.
2.2 Student is able to identify strengths, which act to preserve the family and protect the child, and is able to assess the interaction of individual, family and environmental factors which contribute to abuse and neglect.
2.8 Student understands the dynamics of family violence, and can develop appropriate culturally sensitive case plans for families and family members to address these problems.
3.1 Student demonstrates understanding of the stages and processes of adult and family development.
3.5 Student demonstrates understanding of how the strengths perspective and empowerment approaches can influence growth, development, and behavior change.
7.6 Student can apply theories of human development and organizational change to develop intervention plans with clients.
Posted In:Interventions, Services & Resources
Permanency: Reunification, Foster Care and Adoptions