Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

CWDS Curriculum

Supervisor Learning Circle Launch Prep

Level: Advanced Practice – Supervisors

Credits: 6

Intended Audience: 20 CWS supervisors identified to co-lead cross-regional peer-topeer learning circles

Description of Course: This one day training will impart Interaction Method facilitation skills for Supervisors to utilize when co-leading the peer-to-peer learning circles in their regions. They will gain knowledge and skill on building shared understanding and agreements on their self-directed agenda throughout the 2013 year. They will learn how to structure the two hour meetings every six weeks with their
cohort and walk away with a clear plan for rolling out the learning circles county-wide. The trainer/facilitators will use posters, handouts, and flip charts to share and gather
information. Activities will include: some lecture, small group and large group discussions and planning sessions.

Intended Objectives:

  • Increase their understanding of the Interaction Method of facilitation to create shared responsibility for the success of the Supervisor Learning Circles.
  • Value their role as change agents in their own and the group’s self-directed learning.
  • Enhance their confidence in dealing with challenging group dynamics.
  • Describe how to leverage diverse opinions and styles.
  • Practice use of specific tools for building understanding and agreement.
  • Increase their understanding of the Supervisor Self-assessment tool and learn how to use it with their cohort.
  • Plan next steps for launching the Supervisor Professional Development Program.

Topics Include:

1) Interaction Method Facilitation Theory and Practice Skills:

  • Meeting Planning and Agenda Design
  • Listening as an Ally
  • Collaborative Problem Solving
  • Decision making clarity
  • Tools for Building Understanding and Agreement
  • Preventions and Interventions for Meeting Behaviors

2) Supervisors’ role in outlining the structure and activities of the Learning Circles including:

  • Professional Portfolio: Supervisors will develop Portfolios to document their learning
    and professional development: career and learning assessments, records of
    achievements, resumes, transcripts, and stated professional goals. These serve as the
    record of professional growth and the repository of supervisors’ assessments of their
    own learning goals related to supervising Safety Organized Practices.
  • Self-Assessment: Starting with the Portfolio, the Self-Assessment serves as the bridge
    to the Learning Circle and Learning Circle Action Plan. It involves: (1) Supervisors’
    study of their own work; (2) Reflection on that work; (3) Summary of observations and
    reflections – coming together to form a learning assessment. Finally, the assessment is
    brought to colleagues and the Learning Circle for consultation and feedback.
  • Learning Circle Action Plans: Through a facilitated process, each Learning Circle will
    develop a group plan, stating learning goals, for at least six Learning Circle meetings.
    The result will be a shared vision for supervisory practice, with specified steps to
    achieve that vision. Learning Plans serve as the guide for applying learning to practice.
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