Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

Community Collaboration & Partnership

CCR: An Overview for CWS Social Workers

This course is designed to deepen the understanding of the impact of Continuum of Care Reform (CCR) on youth, families, and staff.

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Partnership in Action: Building Community Collaboration

In this course, trainees will identify and discuss professional cultures and partnering, list several keys to successful partnering with agencies and communities, identify barriers to effective collaboration, and describe several “best practices” of collaboration that lead to successful partnering.

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Collaborative Roles in Reunification Part Two

Collaborative Roles in Reunification Part Two – Parents and Children Together: Moving Forward and Reaching Success, trainees will identify and commit to individual/organizational objectives, clarify roles and expectations of stakeholders, review and practice tools and skills for collaborative decision making and understand three decision making models.

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Collaborative Roles in Reunification Part 1

In this course, trainees will identify the challenges of collaboration and teaming, understand the benefits of teaming as examples to reach best practice, list steps of a teaming model, develop steps to transfer learning in order to practice collaboration, and identify specific individual skills and resources needed to support teaming.

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Facilitation Skills

The course will cover the basics of facilitation skills through lecture and experiential exercises. Content includes working with challenging participants, setting up rules for brainstorming sessions and focus group meetings, and skills needed for effective facilitation.

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Engaging Families and Communities for Change

During this training, participants will discuss professional roles, partnering, and what partnership means from a new perspective, identify barriers to effective collaboration, particularly those which most influence them, and list several keys to successful partnering with families and communities.

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Multidisciplinary Practice with Social Workers, Law Enforcement and the Courts

In this course, trainees will discuss the importance of developing a multidisciplinary child abuse team that includes representatives of various disciplines, highlight the ramifications of the term “team,” identify the knowledge, skills and experience needed for creating an effective multidisciplinary child abuse team.

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Coaching Skills for Parent and Youth Mentors

This course will address code of ethics and expectations related to professionalism and boundaries for parent and youth mentors.

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