Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

SDM Updates

The changes to the system and an updated Policies and Procedures manual will go live on January 2nd, 2024.


Evident Change will be releasing microlearnings on their website which reviews all of the changes to the existing assessments on November 1st and you can see CA SDM V3.5 Updates Overview 


The CA SDM® Core Team and Practice Community. 


New assessment has been created for children in Congregate Care 


In order to train our SDM curriculum facilitators need to take part in a four day T4T that is spread out over 4 days. Evident Change has tentatively scheduled some dates for the next Train the Trainer on January 24th, January 31st, February 7th, and February 14th. If you are interested in attending this T4T on behalf of the Academy so that you can train SDM curriculum for us in the future please reach out to WMD Manager Jenni AhSing at


Questions or comments about the SDM changes should be directed to Evident Change’s California Practice Team at or use the

“Contact Help Desk” link in WebSDM.

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