Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

CACWT & Curriculum Updates

We are utilizing a couple different methods of communication and are hopeful that through these different avenues the training system partners have the most up to date information. Please feel free to forward to anyone on your respective teams. We appreciate all of the ongoing thought partnering and support.

Trainer Resource Community (TRC) updates:

  • The newly updated Statewide Trainer Qualifications (version dated September 2023) has been added to the Trainer Resources section

    • This document has been revised and reformatted to include a Table of Contents that links to the individual course. This revision also includes trainer requirements for newly created statewide standardized continuing training courses, including the California Family First Prevention Services Learning Series, as well as, updates to the Common Core trainer qualifications.

  • CC 3.5 Standard Group Agreements – As part of the statewide training systems’ on-going support of Race, Equity, and Inclusion (REI) integration, CalSWEC partnered with Bay Area Academy REI consultants to revitalize the standard Group Agreements and Group Agreements activity used throughout Common Core courses. The updated Group Agreements infuse REI values and reinforce developing a “Learners Mindset.” These new Group Agreements are included in the revised Orientation to CA Child Welfare Practice curriculum (see below for more information). The plan is to add the new Group Agreements into Common Core courses during quarterly revisions.

    • Meanwhile, we have created a Group Agreements Supplemental Handout that includes the revised Group Agreements and Group Agreements activity instructions. The expectation is for trainers to use the updated Group Agreements activity when training all Common Core courses. The Group Agreements Supplemental Handout was uploaded to the Trainer Resources Section and posted in the Trainer Forum located within the Trainer Feedback Section.

  • Father Engagement Discussion Forum: This new forum was created as a space for continued discussion after the  Father Engagement Learning Collaborative hosted by CalSWEC on 9/28. The learning collaborative was recorded and more information about the Forum is coming soon!

Common Core 3.5

  • Orientation to CA Child Welfare Practice – The Common Core 3.5 Orientation to CA Child Welfare Practice course has been revised and the new version is dated September 2023. The revised materials, including the Trainer Guide, Trainee Guide, Virtual Guide, PowerPoint, and Version Change Document, were uploaded to CACWT on 9/6/23. The expectation is that trainers will review the revised curriculum in September in preparation for regions to begin training the new version in October.


  • Use the Blackboard Ally tool (in the “Administrator Tools” panel) to ensure your CACWT course content is accessible. Courses should meet a minimum of 85% accessibility with a benchmark goal of 92%+ in Blackboard Ally. In addition to the Ally tool, all materials must be manually checked for ADA compliance before final upload. Here are resources to support ADA compliance.

  • The CACWT Quarterly Accessibility Report was updated on 9/21 and is available for review.

Katie Perry, MSW

Project Manager
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