Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

CACWT & Curriculum updates – July 2023

Hello All,

Below you will find the monthly CACWT & Curriculum updates for July 2023. We are utilizing a couple different methods of communication and are hopeful that through these different avenues the training system partners have the most up to date information. Please feel free to forward to anyone on your respective teams. We appreciate all of the ongoing thought partnering and support.

Common Core 3.5

  • Instructor-Led, Training for Trainers – With the launch of the Culturally Responsive Practice Behaviors Assessment and Development Tool eLearning, the Tips for Training section of this course has been updated to reflect this course requirement for training. This replaces the Orientation video. The Statewide Trainer Qualifications will also be revised to reflect this change.

  • FIeld Activities –  confirming that all new enrollments will be added to the new Field Aactivities format and that the new learning path has launched.

  • This learning series has now been updated to reflect the new Section Registration Management feature, with California in the title.

Continuing Training Courses

The courses below have been updated to reflect the new Section Registration Management feature.  RTAs can now create sections from the single course that includes “California” in the title.  RTA specific courses will be archived at the end of August.

  • Principles of Concurrent Planning

  • Concurrent Planning: Conversations and Documentation

  • Sexual & Reproductive Wellness in Foster Care

In mid-July, CalSWEC hosted a Training for Trainers Overview session about the newly revised course – “The CANS: Overview and Preparation for Certification”. This session was recorded and will be made available in the Trainer Resource Community and on the CalSWEC website. More to come soon!


  • Use the Blackboard Ally tool (in the “Administrator Tools” panel) to ensure your CACWT course content is accessible. Courses should meet a minimum of 85% accessibility with a benchmark goal of 92%+ in Blackboard Ally.


Katie Perry, MSW

Project Manager
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