Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

Resource Family Approval, November 2022

The Resource Family Approval Written Directives Version 8 has been released.  The directives became available on November 1, 2022.  

You can find the updated version here. 

The updated information shows changes in yellow in order for you to track and acknowledge the updates. Version 8 expands the guidance regarding Senate Bill (SB) 354, Section 04-08 on page 28 Placement Prior to Approval and Assembly Bill (AB) 686 Section 11-20 on page 127 that discusses the Prevailing Social and Cultural Standards of the Indian Community. These changes are included throughout the document.  The State is exploring trainings on this RFA Policy about potential learning opportunities to enhance awareness around incorporating the prevailing social and cultural standards during the RFA application process as well as after the Resource Family (RF) is approved.

In addition, the State RFA webpage has updated forms and are accessible now.  You have RFA 03 (Home Health and Safety Assessment Checklist), RFA 05 (Written Report) and RFA 05A (Approval Certificate), which are also in the process of being revised and will be released shortly. 

The RFA 05 and RFA 05A are not required forms and the county is free to use an equivalent that contains the same information.  The All County Letter (ACL) for Flexible Family Supports has a tentative release in December 2022. The latest Emergency Caregiver (EC) Funding All County Letter (ACL) will be released shortly and shared with county partners via email blast

If you have any additional questions regarding SB354 – the State has created a Frequently Asked Questions document.  You can request a copy for your records. Please contact the RFA mailbox ( to request a copy. 

Brenda S. Guzman, Practice Coach


About Jenee Northcutt

Strengths: Input, Strategic, Learner, Belief, Individualization
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