Tribal STAR Training
Approximately 800 Tribal and non-Tribal professionals, leaders, public Human Service agency staff, regional training academy staff, and university students have received training throughout the project. The training package provides up-to-date, research-based information in a variety of areas, including the youth development philosophy, methods for collaboration, effective ways to work with rural populations, effective ways to work with Tribal rural foster youth and their communities, the Indian Child Welfare Act, and the John H. Chafee Foster Care Independence Act.
For more information regarding trainings in your area please contact technical assistance.
To register for one of the trainings below please contact:
Sunni Dominguez, Program Manager, Tribal STAR
Academy for Professional Excellence, SDSU School of Social Work
Phone: (619) 594-6107 Fax: (619) 594-1118
LaPrincess Greene, Administrative Coordinator, Tribal STAR
Academy for Professional Excellence, SDSU School of Social Work
Phone: (619) 594-3126 Fax: (619) 594-1118
Training: 9 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Please note that all training begins promptly at 9 am and no one will be admitted once the training begins.
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA): Working with Native American Families and Tribes
ICWA: Working with Native American Families and Tribes is intended to provide social workers with foundational knowledge of the Indian Child Welfare Act and best practices. Lunch is served at all ICWA trainings.
FY 24-25 Training Schedule:
February 20, 2025 ICWA—Lineworker San Bernardino
February 27, 2025 ICWA—Lineworker San Diego
March 13, 2025 ICWA—Lineworker Orange NOW VIRTUAL!
March 13, 2025 ICWA—Lineworker San Bernardino
March 27, 2025 ICWA—Virtual Regional-36 spaces available
April 10, 2025 ICWA—Virtual Regional-36 spaces available
May 8, 2025 ICWA—Lineworker San Diego
May 22, 2025 ICWA—Lineworker Orange
May 22, 2025 ICWA—Lineworker San Bernardino
Training for Trainers (T4T)
Changing Hearts, Transforming Minds: Tribal STAR Training for Culturally Responsive Trainers
Our new T4T focuses on skill-building for trainers, facilitators and coaches to lead cross-cultural discussions and learning experiences that result in positive outcomes. This training focuses on the identifying and developing skills and behaviors that support cultural responsiveness and other techniques used by Tribal STAR trainers to create an impactful learning experience.
The training highlights specific examples of Tribal STAR’s ICWA curriculum that promote cultural responsiveness, deeper engagement between training participants and their clients, and greater cross-cultural understanding. Unlike previous Tribal STAR T4Ts, the opportunity to practice training the ICWA curriculum will not be available. Topics included in this training include cross- cultural communication, understanding contemporary impacts of historical trauma (specific to the Native American community), collaboration and cultivating and maintaining trust-based relationships. Become an ICWA trainer to support Native youth and families by completing ICWA training, a two-day workshop, and an evaluation process.
Next training: April 15-16, 2025, 25 spaces available
Training for Trainers 2025 registration form!
ICWA for Supervisors
Let The Spirit Lead: Working with Native American Families and Tribes
ICWA for Supervisors is designed for child welfare supervisors, especially those supervisors who supervise line workers with ICWA cases. Participants will review ICWA, ICWA best practices and supervisory issues specific to managing ICWA cases. Coaching will be available in conjunction with this training.
Lunch will be served.
The Summit provides an overview of Native American culture, history, and distrust of government systems and services. The training include first-hand accounts of Tribal youth experiences receiving CWS services. Participants engage in collaborative brainstorming to support goals and objectives. The training allows organizations to focus on specific challenges and identify solutions.
Next training: TBA
Other Side of ICWA
The Other Side of ICWA is intended to address “the spirit of the law” and those concerns missing in traditional training that are essential for successful implementation of ICWA.
Next Training: TBA
The Gathering provides an overview of Native American culture, history, and distrust of government systems and services. The training reviews the unique issues that affect adolescent development of Tribal youth. Participants engage in collaborative brainstorming. The Gathering provides first hand accounts of Tribal youth who have experienced receiving CWS services and basic communication techniques that support more trusting relations with Tribal youth and families.The training allows organizations to focus on specific challenges and identify solutions.
Next training: TBA
The Collaborative is an adapted half-day training designed to introduce Tribal and non- tribal child welfare workers to the challenges of serving Tribal foster youth. It covers a brief historical overview and concludes with recommendations that support increased communication and collaboration among providers that strive to achieve positive outcomes for Tribal youth.
Next training: TBA