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APSWI Reports

Variability in Findings from Adult Protective Services Investigations in Selected Southern California Counties Report

During Fiscal Year 20/21 and Fiscal Year 21/22, the Adult Protective Services Workforce Innovations (APSWI) program at the Academy for Professional Excellence provided training to Adult Protective Services staff in selected Southern counties on the topic of “Consistency of Case Findings” training. “Consistency in Case Findings” were delivered to our southern counties from February 2021 to June 2021. This study aims to assess the variability in case findings before and after this training intervention.

  • In the pre-test, participants got an average of 50% of answers correct out of 4 and in the post-test, participants got an average of 58% correct, which represents a statistically significant increase (p<.001).
  • In Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, and San Diego counties, and for Southern counties combined, there were more confirmed and unfounded cases and fewer inconclusive cases Post-Training compared to Pre-Training.

“Overall, workers attending these trainings increased their skill in determining case findings and statewide data showed a decrease in inconclusive findings from Pre- to Post-training. These are both outcomes we would expect to see if the training succeeded in attaining its goal(s).”

Click to download the report:

Variability in Findings from Adult Protective Services Investigations in Selected Southern California Counties.

APS Leaders Institute Statewide Case Management Survey Report

The survey, administered in February 2020 and completed by 53 counties, gives a pre-pandemic snapshot of California APS programs access to case management services for clients. The goal of the survey is to provide a launch point for counties to start to plan for potential “recovery case management” in light of the COVID-19 pandemic as well as advocate for funds for these efforts.

Case management/extended services for high-risk APS clients was priority for APS managers and administrators prior to COVID-19 and the sense is these services will be needed even more after the initial response and easing of shelter in place orders.

Note: “Ongoing case management” is defined as APS clients needing extended services beyond the initial APS investigation, service plan, case closure and/or short-term services typically offered by APS programs.

Click to download the report:

APS Leaders Institute Statewide Case Management Survey Report 

APS Leadership Development Framework Report

In early 2019, the Adult Protective Services Workforce Innovations (APSWI), a program of the Academy for Professional Excellence, San Diego State University School of Social Work, commissioned work on a two-phase leadership development project. The goal of the project is to develop a statewide Adult Protective Services Leadership Development Framework for managers which includes a research report and leadership workforce development plan.

This report encompasses the first phase or research portion of the project and includes an extensive examination of leadership theories, models, and literature. Program best practices and cross discipline leadership development programs are analyzed. It also includes focus group data from sessions conducted with statewide and national leadership in the field of aging and adult services examining the leadership training needs, current gaps, and suggested next steps in the process. Information will be presented in three sections covering:

  • Literature Review: theories, models, research, tools;
  • National and state leadership programs for aging and beyond including a summary of structure, content and competencies, and best practices;
  • Leadership development training needs, gaps and next steps.

Click to download the report:

APS Leadership Development Framework: Research Report
APS Leadership Development Framework: Workforce Development Plan 

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