Mandated Reporting eLearning
Course Description
In California many professions are now legally designated as mandated reporters of elder and dependent adult abuse. This course will address reporting responsibilities; help participants to understand how, when and where to report suspected abuse or neglect; and inform participants of what to expect after the report has been made.
Upon completion of this course, participants will be equipped with the necessary tools and information they need to make a report each time they suspect or witness elder or dependent adult abuse or neglect.
This free eLearning was made available by the generous funding of California Department of Social Services (CDSS).
Disclaimer: To ensure that you successfully obtain a copy of your certificate of completion, please be certain to follow the prompt after completing the post-test by entering your name and email address so that your certificate of completion can be emailed to you. Those who do not follow that prompt will be unable to obtain their certificate, and will need to retake the course again as a transcript of completion is unavailable.
Learning Objectives
- Identify obligations as a mandated reporter.
- Recognize signs of suspected abuse or neglect of elders or dependent adults as defined by California law.
- Determine how, when and where to report suspected abuse or neglect based on where it occurs.
- Describe what investigating agencies can or cannot do in response to your report.
Free Mandated Reporting for Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse eLearning
Gratis Denuncia Obligatoria Abuso y Negligencia de Ancianos y Adultos Dependientes al curso en línea