Trainer Biography

Shelly Paule, MSW, LCSW
Shelly Paule graduated with her BA in Psychology and Masters in Social Work from San Diego State University. Shelly obtained her LCSW in 2004 and enjoys using her clinical skills and knowledge to support others working towards their degrees as well as licensure in their field. Shelly has 24 years of experience with the County of San Diego Health and Human Services Agency, including positions as a front-line worker, supervisor, manager and policy analyst. Currently, Shelly lectures for San Diego State University School of Social Work and School of Public Health. In addition, she trains for the SDSU Academy for Professional Excellence, UC Davis Northern Academy and UCLA Academy of Workforce Excellence.
Shelly is passionate about teaching students how to be successful Social Work and Public Health Professionals. Shelly considers these professional roles critical to the individuals, families and agencies who seek our services in reaching their goals. Her focus is to support building relationships through respectful conversations which address our differences as well as similarities. Building trusting alliances allow us to partner together to highlight the strengths and reduce the needs to move towards desired outcomes.