Trainer Biography

Scott Burdick, MS, MFT
Scott Burdick has worked for the County of Orange Social Services Agency’s Children and Family Services Division for nearly 24 years. He is currently a Deputy Director overseeing the Intervention and Prevention Services Section, which includes the Adult and Child Abuse Registry, Emergency Response, Child Abuse Services Team (CAST), Differential Response and Voluntary Family Services. He also has experience as a social worker, supervisor or program manager in numerous areas including: Permanency Services, Families and Communities Together (FaCT) – the County’s Family Resource Center platform, Resource Development and Management (RDM), Specialized Family Services, Investigations, Intake, Conditional Release to Intensive Supervision Program (C.R.I.S.P) and Best Known Practices.
Mr. Burdick has also led or been integrally involved with numerous initiatives including programs to support Commercially Sexually Exploited Children (CSEC), Teen Court, The Teen Collaborative, Neighbor to Neighbor, Permanency Roundtables, Runaway Prevention and Recovery, Family to Family, the Children and Family Services Review process, the Children and Family Services System Improvement Plan, Structured Decision Making, Safe Measures, Group Home Monitoring and Safety Organized Practice.
In addition to his career with the Social Services Agency, he also consults locally and nationally with several agencies. These partnerships have led him across the nation to assist other jurisdictions in strengthening child abuse prevention, evaluation, and assessment practices.
Mr. Burdick has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and a Master’s Degree in Counseling from California State University, Fullerton, and he is currently a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist.