Trainer Biography

Nicol Stolar-Peterson, LCSW
Nicol Stolar-Peterson, LCSW, has worked in the area of social services for over 15 years. She has over 11 years of employment with Child Protective Services; where she has spent her time investigating child abuse, completing forensic interviews with law enforcement, and testified in criminal, juvenile, civil and family law courts.
She has spent the last 7 years in Adoptions, training and creating new trauma informed curriculum for foster and adoptive families while completing assessments and in depth background checks.
Nicol started her private practice in 2009, “Stolar Counseling and Consultation.” She is child custody evaluator and is an expert witness in Family Law. She is an on-going consultant with both law enforcement and attorneys.
Nicol will be opening a non-profit in 2015 called, “Kids Court & Counseling Center” in Riverside, CA, to assist children who are compelled to testify in court with preparation and counseling to help support them through the court process, as they are often witnesses and/or victims of crimes. KC&CC is truly a “one-stop shop.”