Trainer Biography

Maxine Jones-Robinson, MBA, MS, LBSW
Maxine Jones-Robinson has over 30 years of experience working with vulnerable children, youth, families and the elderly in a variety of positions.
Ms. Jones-Robinson began her social work career in 1981 as a social worker serving the elderly and disabled residents in a nursing facility; and in 1985 began working for the state of Texas in a variety of social services and administration positions. In 2000 and 2001, Ms. Jones-Robinson completed her graduate work at Amber and Amberton University, Garland, Texas.
Since that time, Ms. Jones-Robinson has been a Social Worker, Supervisor, Human Resource and Training Specialist, Administrator and Equity Specialist in programs serving children, youth, and families within the Department of Family and Protective Services and Health and Human Services.
Ms. Jones-Robinson’s areas of expertise includes training and working with systems to identify and eliminate disproportionality and disparities within policies, procedures and practices which create inequities in services and outcomes for all children, youth, families and vulnerable citizens.
Ms. Jones-Robinson has been a Knowing Who You Are (KWYA) facilitator since 2006. In 2007 she became a KWYA Certifier and a KWYA Coach in 2009. Ms. Jones-Robinson has facilitated KWYA to staff throughout Texas Department of Family and Protective and Regulatory Services and Texas Health and Human Services Commission. Additionally, she has facilitated KWYA to foster parents, Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA), Catholic Charities, child placing agency staff, educators, faith-based community and Child Welfare professionals in the states of New Mexico and Oregon.