Trainer Biography

Lucia Weiss, LCSW
Lucia Weiss, LCSW: Lucia Weiss has over 15 years experience serving children and families and is passionate about developing a family serving system that universally treats everyone with respect and dignity, regardless of their race, ethnicity, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status. She has earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree in Social Work from California State University, Chico and she became a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in California in 2015.
Lucia began her career working with families who experienced domestic violence, facilitating groups and providing individual counseling for adults and children. She then went on to serve as a Protective Services Worker for the County of San Diego, Child Welfare Services specializing in family reunification and child abuse investigations. She also facilitated Team Decision Making Meetings in the east region utilizing the highly regarded Neighborhood for Kids Model. This involved making active efforts to ensure that children lived in familiar environments and family connections were preserved.
In 2008, Lucia started working at Casey Family Programs, providing clinical case management with children and families. In this role, she worked to develop the Birth Parent Project & Reunification Conferences. These programs allowed for safe and stable reunifications for children where reunification didn’t seem possible.
Most recently, Lucia was a Strategic Consultant at Casey Family Programs where she partnered with counties and regional training academies to implement the California Core Practice Model, Safety Organized Practice, Continuous Quality Improvement and Continuum Care Reform. She led efforts that resulted in a reduction of youth in congregate care, prevented unnecessary entries into the child welfare system and increased kinship placements.
In the fall of 2017, Lucia began providing private consulting to support county leaders in their system reform efforts. She has presented and trained on topics such as Mandating Reporting, Safety Organized Practice, Unpacking the No: Utilizing Appreciative Inquiry to Facilitate Permanency Conversations, Organizational Readiness Building, Implementation Science, Continuous Quality Improvement, Adaptive Leadership and The Four Disciplines of Execution.