Trainer Biography

Linda D. Ketterer, BA
Multiple Subject Teaching Credential and Parent Partner
Linda D. Ketterer was born to teach! In 2005, she received a BA in Liberal Studies with an emphasis on education, from San Diego State University, as well as a Pre-K through Adult multiple subject teaching credential, and dedicates her life to reaching the unreachable (or so they think). She has a heart for the student who struggles, not only academically, but emotionally as well. Building self-esteem and empowering students with knowledge makes her life complete.
She is currently working at San Diego Youth Services Foster Care Agency, recruiting, training and retaining Foster Parents. Prior to that, Linda worked for five years at an East-County school-based prevention and early intervention (PEI) program working with children and their families to improve adult-child relationships both at school and in the home.
Through her personal story, she has been a strong ally in the implementation of Pathways to Well-Being, providing the family voice through a number of trainings for Child Welfare Services workers, foster parents and Behavioral Health Services providers. As part of a training triad, she trained the first San Diego County Pathways to Well-Being Training for Trainers in March of 2014 and continues training in triads for both the Pathways to Well-Being One Day Overview trainings and the Child and Family Team (CFT) Facilitation trainings. Linda is passionate about Pathways to Well-Being, believing whole heartedly this topic will change lives.
She and her family had been consumers of Child Welfare Services as well as Behavior Health Services for many years. She firmly believe that the trials and tribulations they endured, have made them who they are today – a strong family unit, who believes in second chances and the power of helping others.