Trainer Biography

Kristie Campbell, MS
Kristie Campbell has over 28 years of experience working with Children and Families. She began her career in 1987 as a primary counselor at New Alternatives, Diversion Program in San Diego. From 1987 through 2007 she continued her work as a Facility Manager and Facility Administrator with various Residential and Group home facilities. In 2007 she joined Child Welfare Services in San Diego County.
MS. Campbell has experience working in the Emergency Response Investigations, Court Intervention, Indian Specialty, and Continuing Services units. She also served as the Continuous Quality Improvement Senior Protective Services Worker, reviewing the work of direct service social workers to ensure that quality case management and investigations are being done, and analyzed data and outcomes in Child Welfare Work, providing strategic input for practice changes and implementations of new policies and systems. She also has in depth experience as a Team Decision Making Meeting (TDM) Facilitator. In her role of the lead TDM Facilitator she piloted the early Safety Organized Practice Mapping program in Central Region, facilitating Family Centered Meetings and coaching facilitators on the use of Safety Mappings and Road mapping tools. She is currently a Protective Services Supervisor in Child Welfare Services at Polinsky Children’s Center.
Ms. Campbell was an early adopter of Safety Organized Practice (SOP) in San Diego County training and implementation. She continues to be an SOP champion and coach.