Trainer Biography

Kahalifa King, MS, MFT
Kahalifa King has a wide range of life experiences which he believes has helped to prepare him for the career he now enjoys in helping others. He has over 18 years of experience in Sales/Marketing. He has served on the San Diego Superior Court Mediation Panel. Kahalifa is a Mediation Trainer, Credentialed Mediator, Contract Trainer, and Consultant to a diverse client base. He holds a Bachelors of Arts in Marketing from National University, a Masters of Arts in Multicultural Counseling in Education and a Master’s of Science in Marriage & Family Therapy, both degrees from San Diego State University. Currently, Kahalifa is an Adjunct Professor at San Diego City College, Arbitrator for the Better Business Bureau of San Diego County and a Mediator for the United States Postal Service.
Kahalifa is also a registered Marriage & Family Therapist (MFT) intern. He has completed all of his requirements and is now studying to take the state board exams with the California Board of Behavioral Sciences. Kahalifa has a strong counseling emphasis on African-American males. As a contract trainer with the Public Child Welfare Training Academy, he conducts training on CWS in a “Multi-Cultural Environment”, “Life in the Cycle of Poverty”, “Fathering and CWS: Another Disproportionality” and co-authored the curriculum for Cal-SWEC titled “Working with African-American Father: the forgotten parent”. Kahalifa provides training to Social Workers and Probation Officers for Bay Area and San Diego counties. He has served as a featured presenter at the Sixth Annual Cal-SWEC Fairness & Equity Symposium.
Kahalifa has served in many capacities throughout San Diego County. He has also received various awards and recognitions. One of his greatest recognition is the “Community Faces” award where he is featured at Market Creek Plaza Community Center sponsored by the Jacob Family Foundation. He was selected by his community peers and residents for his commitment to community service and activism.
Kahalifa’s personal philosophy is “All things in Life are Connected”