Trainer Biography

Jessica Newmyer, BSW
Ms. Newmyer has been working with foster youth since 1996 and received her Bachelor of Arts in Social Work from San Diego State University in 1997.
Ms. Newmyer worked for YMCA Youth and Family Services as a Case Manager teaching Independent Living Skills and developing plans for foster youth transitioning out of the dependency system. Ms. Newmyer then went to work for San Diego Youth and Community Services as Program Manager for the Independent Living Skills Program.
After working for several years with foster youth after they have been through the Child Welfare System, Ms. Newmyer developed a desire to work with children entering the Child Welfare System and started working for the County of San Diego Child Welfare Services. She has worked in Emergency Response, Court Intervention, Voluntary Services, Continuing Services, and Intensive Family Preservation Program.
Ms. Newmyer has helped to redesign service delivery of Child Welfare Services in the East Region of San Diego County and is currently the Assistant Deputy Director of South Region Health and Human Services Agency providing oversight to Child Welfare Services, Public Health and Eligibility Operations in the South Region.