Trainer Biography

Irene Becker, LCSW
Irene Becker is currently a Curriculum Coordinator with the Public Child Welfare Training Academy. Irene specializes in child welfare, social policy and organizational issues and has trained child welfare staff on child development, risk assessment, child maltreatment indicators and family dynamics of child sexual abuse. She also does Training for Trainers and has trained on converting classroom curriculum to eLearning formats.
Ms. Becker has previously been a training specialist for the County of San Diego Department of Social Services, training newly hired child welfare staff. She has also been a supervisor on the Child Abuse Hotline, and the Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Program of San Diego County’s Children Services Bureau.
Along with Dr. Loring Jones, SDSU, Ms. Becker has co-authored a journal article on The Efficacy of Voluntary Services vs. Court Services in CPS, and with Dr. Jones and Elizabeth Gross a journal article on Domestic Violence in Families in Society. She has also presented a number of papers on child welfare and training topics to international, national and local audiences.