Trainer Biography

Debby Jeter, MFT
Ms. Jeter started her career as a Los Angeles County Probation Officer where she worked as a Deputy Probation Officer in Juvenile Hall, in a Probation Camp for violent female offenders and in several field offices with both juveniles and adults.
She moved to San Luis Obispo in 1983 and initially worked as a Child Welfare Services Social Worker providing Emergency Response Services and Court Investigation Work. In 1986, she accepted a Promotion to Supervisor with the Drug and Alcohol Department where she eventually became a manager of the Drinking Driver Programs, the Youth Treatment Programs and the Neighborhood Based Community Centers.
Ms. Jeter left County employment for a short while to accept a position as the Director of the San Luis Obispo French Hospital Day Treatment Psychiatric Hospital. She returned to San Luis Obispo County Probation Department to become the Superintendent of the Juvenile Hall in 1995. She became the Deputy Director of the Department of Social Services in 1997 and was initially responsible for the implementation of the new CalWORKs reforms.
After the CalWORKs program change was completed Ms. Jeter began the change process related to the Child Welfare Redesign. San Luis Obispo County was one of the 11 counties chosen by the State Department of Social Services to be early implementers of the Child Welfare Redesign process. At the time Ms. Jeter left San Luis Obispo County she was responsible for leading Cal Works, Medi-Care, Food Stamps, Adult Services and Child Welfare Services.
In 2005 Ms. Jeter moved to San Francisco to become the Deputy Director of the Family and Children’s Division of the San Francisco City and County Human Services Agency. She was responsible for all the functions of the child welfare services for the city and county of San Francisco. In this role she implemented numerous best practices resulting in improvements in San Francisco’s mandated Federal Outcomes.
In January of 2013 Ms. Jeter retired from San Francisco and moved back to Southern California to be closer to her family, who mostly reside in the Southern CA area.