Trainer Biography

Catherine Chase, MA
Catherine Chase has over 25 years of experience working with Children and Families. She began her career in 1988 as a counselor at Charter Psychiatric Inpatient Hospital in San Diego, specializing in adolescent in-patient treatment. In 1990 Ms. Chase began her work in Child Welfare for Washington State and then in 1992 for Child Welfare Services in San Diego County. She has expertise in a wide array of Child Welfare programs as a Protective Services Worker, Supervisor and Child Welfare Services Policy Analyst.
She has in depth experience conducting and supervising investigations, court matters, adoptions, hotline and placement services for San Diego County. During her tenure as a Protective Services Supervisor she established herself as a leader in strengths based supervision practices and implementing self-directed work team theory, Gallup leadership tools and Safety Organized Practice methods.
Currently Ms. Chase serves in a management classification for San Diego Child Welfare Services as a Child Welfare Services Policy Analyst. Her role is as Continuous Quality Improvement Policy Analyst and involves analyzing the work done by supervisors and direct service social workers to ensure that quality case management and investigations are being done. She also analyzes data and outcomes in Child Welfare Work, and provides strategic input for practice changes and implementations of new policies and systems. She has been instrumental in the on-going development of the Continuous Quality Improvement Program for San Diego County Child Welfare Services.
In addition, Ms. Chase was instrumental in the development and promotion of the book “The Four Agreements”, by Don Miguel Ruiz, MD which became an international bestseller. She has delivered motivational speeches to large audiences of several hundred people, created and presented numerous lectures and workshops based on her Four Agreements work.