Trainer Biography
Alice Kennedy, MSW
Alice Kennedy began her career as a social worker with the County of San Diego Child Welfare Services in 1992, and possesses a Masters Degree in Social Work with an emphasis in Administration. Alice was initially assigned to the Sexual Abuse Adjunct Unit and continued to expand her skills by working in several programs including, Court Intervention, Emergency Response and Family Maintenance & Reunification. In 2001, Alice was appointed by the Director to the position of Ombudsman for Child Welfare Services. She worked in this capacity through 2004, followed by various administrative assignments including supervision and oversight of the Countywide Drug Endangered Children Program (DEC), along with supervision of the Interstate Compact for the Placement of Children (ICPC) Office. Alice has also supervised the Child Abuse Hotline After-Hours Investigations Program and previously worked as a Agency Adoptions and HHSA Staff Recruiter.
In 2008, Alice promoted to CWS Manager within Policy and Program Support and established the Dept of Justice Hearing Unit; developing and implementing a grievance hearing process for persons listed in the California’s Child Abuse Central Index (CACI). In 2012, Alice was subsequently promoted to Assistant Deputy Director, where she currently provides oversight and direction for County of San Diego Adoptions, Foster Home Licensing and CWS North Central Region.
Because of her knowledge of child welfare practice and policy, Alice is often requested to facilitate training for CWS new hires, interns and HHSA department personnel. In 2005 she also became a trainer with the Public Child Welfare Training Academy (Southern California). Training and presentations topics include: CORE-Critical Thinking, Child Abuse Investigations, Civil Rights, Child Welfare Services Overview, Family Court Services, First Responders, DEC, Adoption Informational Meetings and Workshops, Ombudsman Issues, Effective Home Visiting, and other specialized topics.
Alice is passionate about child welfare, and is committed to preparing workers to be effective social work practitioners.