Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

CWDS Curriculum

SafeMeasures Advanced Training

Level: Advanced Practice –Supervisor or Manager

Credits: 6

Intended Audience: The SafeMeasures advanced training is intended for supervisors, managers, or administrators to improve process and outcome measures. Completion of
the SafeMeasures basic training is required to attend this training. In addition, all trainees must have their own SafeMeasures User ID.

Description of Course: This course is a hands-on training where every participant will interact with SafeMeasures. It builds on the SafeMeasures basic training and will
provide more in-depth information on how to get help for more advanced navigation. Participants will learn how to use at least one key report proactively and how to develop a customized usage plan for SafeMeasures.

Intended Objectives:

  • Understand the basic SafeMeasures navigation and how to get help for more advanced navigation
  • Know how to use at least one key report proactively
  • Develop a customized usage plan for SafeMeasures

Topics Include:

  • Proactive use of SafeMeasures: Contacts for ongoing cases
  • Exploring other reports that can be used proactively in supervision
  • SafeMeasures at the unit level: Creating a SafeMeasures usage plan
  • Customizing a usage plan for SafeMeasures
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