Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

CWDS Curriculum

Data Slam Follow-Up Session on Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare

Level: Advanced Practice – (Line worker, Supervisor, Manager)

Credits: 12

Intended Audience: This course is intended for child welfare leadership of all levels, analysts, quality assurance and/or administrators, and other staff who are responsible for monitoring and improving outcomes for in their jurisdiction, and who have already participated in the Advanced Analytics for Child Welfare Administrators course.

Description of Course: This two-day follow-up session to Advanced Analytics includes a brief review of the main themes covered in the initial course, an overview of new analytic tools and outcome reports available on the UC Berkeley and Chapin Hall child welfare data dynamic websites. The course focus is on helping participants to further their skills with accessing, understanding, and applying county-specific data to identify needed system reforms and monitor progress toward achieving those improvements. After a brief review of fundamental concepts in longitudinal data analysis and its application to the CQI process, participants will work in county groups, with guidance from the instructors, to develop a PowerPoint presentation and narrative using data to highlight recent trends and to focus on opportunities for innovation and improvements—the “Data Slam.” The creation and delivery of the data presentation will enhance participants’ ability to effectively communicate data trends and intervention strategies to stakeholders, such as a board of supervisors, philanthropic foundations and community partners. The session will close with comments, questions, ideas and feedback from both the instructors and fellow-participants.

Intended Objectives:

  • Think systematically about child welfare, from investigations to permanency
  • Understand foundational outcome trends in their jurisdiction
  • Apply data to establish baselines and expectations for policy and practice changes
  • Inform Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  • Effectively communicate child welfare outcome information and plans for reform

Topics Include:

  • Longitudinal Data Analysis and Its Utility in the CQI Process
  • Foundational Outcomes Exercise – What is Typical of your county
  • Targeted Exercises on Formulating and Answering Questions with Data
  • New Developments Regarding Federal Measures in the CFSR3
  • Preparation and Delivery of Data Presentation on a Target Outcome and Plans to
  • Address the Issue within a Specified Time Frame
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