CWDS Curriculum
Coaching to Excellence in Practice Full-day Session
Level: Advanced Practice – Manager
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: Child Welfare Managers that play a critical role in the implementation of coaching to improve outcomes for children and families served by Child Welfare social workers
Description of Course: Facilitated discussion with managers to develop coaching curriculum that will address leadership roles and coaching acumen as a driver to family engaged practice and improved outcomes for children and families
Intended Objectives:
- Participants and coach have opportunity for personal connection
- Identify characteristics of successful coaching experiences
- Identify difference between coaching and managing/supervising
- Begin to identify and discuss key implementation drivers for Strategic Plan activities
- Identify coaching opportunities in existing assignments, meetings and activities
- Identify additional desired topics for full day Coaching to Excellence training/skill building
Topics Include:
- Facilitated discussion to include participants coaching experience (coached or coach), attributes of successful coaching experience
- Dynamics in the coaching experience
Explore the current landscape of leadership lead responsibilities; strategic planning, administrative duties and support and practice initiatives - Introduction of Implementation Science; implementation stages and coaching as one driver to system change and sustainability
- Preview topics for Coaching to Excellence in Practice training/skill building day
Supervision and Management