CWDS Curriculum
Advanced Skills for Supervisors: The Rest of the Story -Supervisory Comeback Day
Level: Advanced Practice – Supervisor
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: Supervisors who have completed the CWDS Supervisor Core
Intended Objectives:
- To identify and demonstrate skills in advanced leadership behavior
- To discuss and understand supervisory issues in the context of AB 636 and ASFA
- To demonstrate the ability to handle more complex performance improvement issues utilizing corrective and disciplinary actions
Topics Include:
- What is advanced leadership behavior
- Enhancing your supervisory skills and professional growth
- Techniques and strategies for team development at the unit level
- Running successful unit meetings
- Conflict management and negotiation for the supervisor’s unit context and beyond
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
8.5 Trainee understands how leader/managers use the collaborative process for the purpose of planning, formulating policy, and implementing services.
8.6 Trainee demonstrates knowledge of how organizational structure, climate, and culture affect service effectiveness, worker productivity, and morale.
8.7 Trainee understands how political activities and regulatory, legislative, and judicial processes at local, state, and national levels influence agency policies, procedures, and programs.
8.9 Trainee is able to identify agency and legislative policies and procedures that may negatively affect child well being and the success of permanency and family reunification.
Posted In:Supervision and Management