Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

Safety Organized Practice


An Update on the Statewide Safety Organized Practice Toolkit


In the last newsletter, we announced the release of the Statewide Safety Organized Practice Toolkit on the CalSWEC website, developed by the Safety Organized Practice Backbone Committee.  Since then, there have been several helpful tools that can help you to navigate the page and encourage use across the Southern Region.  The toolkit contains resources and information related to: 


  • Definitional Tools
  • Implementation, Sustainability and Leadership Tools, including a comprehensive SOP Implementation Guide
  • Practice Tools
  • Supervision and Coaching Tools
  • Fidelity and Evaluation Tools
  • Quick Guides for Staff and Supervisors
  • County-Specific Tools
  • SOP Regional Contacts


To help with ease of access, the committee has created a YouTube video to assist with how to navigate the page.  Additionally, PowerPoint slides have been created that can easily be added to any training that is currently offered.  We hope that you find this toolkit helpful and a one-stop-shop for all things SOP!


Written by Nicole Heesen, CWDS Practice Coach Supervisor

About Jenee Northcutt

Strengths: Input, Strategic, Learner, Belief, Individualization
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