Enhanced Cognitive Interviewing for APS Professionals
Course Description
Early in the education of APS professionals, they are taught the basics of interviewing. While foundational interviewing techniques are important, they are often not enough to get the level of evidence from an interview that is needed for an APS case. Enhanced Cognitive Interviewing (ECI) is an interviewing method that has been shown to gather 40% more information out of an interview than other methods. ECI also allows APS professionals to better assess the validity of the information being provided. This workshop takes participants through the principles and techniques of ECI so that they can add this technique to their existing interviewing skills. ECI is discussed in practical terms that account for the diversity of individuals interviewed by APS, time constraints on APS professionals, and the need for trauma informed approaches.
Course Materials
Executive Summary
Trainer Manual
Participant Manual
© 2022. San Diego State University School of Social Work, Academy for Professional Excellence. Please acknowledge this copyright in all non-commercial uses and attribute credit to the developer and those organizations that sponsored the development of these materials. No commercial reproduction allowed.