Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

Resource Family Approval Update, February 2022


The California Legislature passed SB 354 Skinner and it became effective January 1, 2022. 


The Resource Family Approval (RFA) Background Assessment Guide (BAG) dated December 20, 2021 shows the recent revisions made, in order to follow the new legislature. The changes affects a relatives’ previous criminal history, and as such, is not used as a deterrent for placement. The changes reflect the criminal background check for the family member interested in RFA placement. 


Non-Exemptible Crimes 

It grants criminal record exemption to individuals convicted of some previously non-exemptible crimes under specified circumstances (i.e., simplified exemption process) if their live scan results and self-disclosures meet specified criteria, including: (1) No misdemeanor convictions within the last five years; and (2) No felony convictions within the last seven years


Simplified Exemption Process

Current law establishes a rebuttable presumption that an individual is entitled to exemption



Changes made throughout H&SC section 1522 and other relevant statutes to replace “minor traffic violation” with “infraction.” 


Child-Specific Approval of Relative Caregivers ONLY:  

It will allow reviewing agencies discretion to grant a criminal record exemption to relative caregivers seeking resource family approval for a specific child, and all individuals residing or regularly present in such a relative’s home, provided such individuals do not have a felony conviction within the last five years for specified crimes.


AB 686 Arambula 

The purpose of AB 686 is to incorporate tribal standards and language into portions of the Resource Family and Approval directives.  The goal is to include tribal partners to help in writing the directives. This bill continues to work its way through the legislature with an anticipated date of completion of July 2023.


Resource Family Approval Convening Conference has a tentative scheduled date for June 27 and June 28 at the Hyatt Regency Sacramento, California.  The intent is to have an in person conference, but the decision has not been made due to Covid-19.  Currently, talks include providing a “hybrid model” of in person and virtual workshops. They are currently looking for presenters and workshop proposals from county partners.  This item needs additional discussion.  


If you would like to learn more about SB 354 Skinner or AB 686 Arambula, please click the links below:

SB 354

AB 686


Updates for Resource Family Approval
By: Brenda S. Guzman, Practice Coach

About Jenee Northcutt

Strengths: Input, Strategic, Learner, Belief, Individualization
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