CWDS Curriculum
Management Transition Training: Together Everyone Achieves Milestones
Level: Advanced Practice – Manager
Credits: 6
Intended Audience: Managers, Directors and Executives
Intended Objectives:
- Understand organizational shift to strength-based teamwork
- Understand the parallel processes of individual and teamwork
- Identify resources needed to support paradigm shift
- Value teamwork and identify keys to effective teamwork
- Improve communication and teambuilding skills
- Participate in team illustration of division’s goals
- Enhance abilities of awareness and action in appreciation of the work of others
Topics Include:
- Motivation
- Teambuilding, Teamwork and Team Problem-solving
- Communication & Connection
- Acknowledgement & Appreciation
CalSWEC Competencies Addressed:
8.4 Student demonstrates a beginning understanding of the roles/responsibilities of a leader/manager to plan and develop systems that enhance staff diversity and alleviate racial and ethnic disproportionality in the child welfare service population.
8.5 Student understands how leader/managers use the collaborative process for the purpose of planning, formulating policy, and implementing services.
8.6 Student demonstrates knowledge of how organizational structure, climate, and culture affect service effectiveness, worker productivity, and morale.
Posted In:Supervision and Management
Worker Retention