Comprehensive, Culturally Approriate, and Competency-Based Workforce Development.

CWDS Curriculum

Promoting and Supporting Resiliency: Dealing with Vicarious Traumatization

Level: Supervisor

Credits: 6

Intended Audience: This course is for supervisors who supervise staff in stressful assignments, especially within child welfare

Description of Course: This course will provide the participant with information about secondary trauma, vicarious traumatization, burnout and stress so that s/he can identify
the symptoms within staff, recognize how symptoms affect work outcomes and provide an array of interventions to minimize or deal with the secondary trauma. Through lecturette, self-assessments, skills practice & coaching, and small group discussions, participants will prepare for appropriate interventions in the workplace which would include using other organizational resources such as EAP, resulting in an action plan.

Intended Objectives

  • Define resiliency in staff & supervisor’s role to support resiliency
  • Identify the difference between burnout and secondary trauma
  • List signs and indicators of both burnout and secondary traumatization
  • Develop strategies to assist workers with burnout and/or secondary trauma
  • Practice addressing safety and well-being for workers
  • Identify organizational resources and supports for dealing with burnout and secondary trauma
  • List the steps necessary in a critical incident debriefing process
  • Create a “resiliency action plan”

Topics Include:

  • Vicarious traumatization
  • Burnout
  • Stress
  • Professional Quality of Life
  • Critical Incident Debriefing
  • Resiliency
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